
Get LIFETIME ACCESS to every Target Focus Training course PLUS two shooting courses in one discounted bundle worth a total value $1814 if purchased individually!

Included courses: Survival Pack, Foundation 1 & 2, Defeating Weapons, Accelerated Destruction, Blueprints of Destruction, Justified Lethal Force, Striking, Throwing, Lethal Leverage, Extreme Close Combat Shooting and Split Second Shooter!

Get LIFETIME ACCESS to every Target Focus Training course PLUS two shooting courses in one discounted bundle worth a total value $1814 if purchased individually!

Included courses: Survival Pack, Foundation 1 & 2, Defeating Weapons, Accelerated Destruction, Blueprints of Destruction, Justified Lethal Force, Striking, Throwing, Lethal Leverage, Extreme Close Combat Shooting and Split Second Shooter!

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