
The 2nd phase of training in the Human Weapon Project is 15+ hours of instruction with Tim Larkin and the PROT3CT staff, on using, and defending against weapons. The Vector Concept eliminates the fear of facing an armed attacker, because you will realize the weapon is just a tool, and not to be focused on. Students often remark that Weapons & Vectors is the most impactful training in the Human Weapon Project Series.

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The 2nd phase of training in the Human Weapon Project is 15+ hours of instruction with Tim Larkin and the PROT3CT staff, on using, and defending against weapons. The Vector Concept eliminates the fear of facing an armed attacker, because you will realize the weapon is just a tool, and not to be focused on. Students often remark that Weapons & Vectors is the most impactful training in the Human Weapon Project Series.

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