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Below you’ll find the course curriculum and access to all your course materials and bonuses.

This is serious training, tested and proven to give you the skills to survive—and win—in a life-or-death encounter.

You’ll find the instructors speaking candidly about doing serious and even fatal harm to another human being. In the video “What Really Matters in Violence” you’ll see disturbing images of violence and injury to help you understand the reality of what you’re facing in a predator attack—and what you must do to prevail.


Most people feel uncomfortable with this subject matter. That means you’re normal and sane.

Doing violence to another human goes against everything we have been raised to do. But when it’s your life on the line then violence is your only option.

In this course you’ll learn how to use the tool of violence to protect yourself and your loved ones.

It’s critical information that can save your life. You’ve made the right choice to be here.

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